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The Man Behind The Magic


As a working-class Trans POC contemporary artist, my work is deeply rooted in examining the intersections of art, technology, and social justice. Over the last four years, I have been experimenting with new media technologies such as digital media and interactive software. Recently, I've been investigating photogrammetry as a way to archive Trans bodies. My goal is to develop immersive Virtual Reality experiences that celebrate the Trans community and foster empathy. Other mediums I am interested in include 2D/3D Animation, Sound, Video, and Augmented Reality.
My work explores themes of Religion, Spirituality, Vietnamese Culture, and Gender Identity.   My art practice is heavily driven by my research.


My research allows me to be analytical and tenacious in developing my understanding of the themes in my studio practice.
From my Research on BioPolitics and The Extended Mind Theory, I came to an understanding that conditioned beliefs often perpetuate systemic oppression. I believe to break free from this panoptical cycle of consciousness is to liberate ourselves from perpetual psychological suffering. My current research explores how Ericksonian Hypnosis can be applied to Virtual Reality to help ease gender dysphoria/incongruence in the Trans community. 


My socially engaged work has a very special place in my heart. Having had 10 years of national and international facilitation experience with Talk About Youth Project, I have been given many opportunities not only to talk to and learn from incredible young people but to completely immerse myself in different cultures. 

Working with the National Youth Council of Ireland has been one of the highlights of my year. Working with and hearing the participants share their experiences deeply impacted me and fuels my passion for social justice. It's paramount to me that we listen to their voices, learn from their perspectives to improve not only their future but our future society.

At its core, my art is a call to action, urging individuals to transcend their conditioned beliefs. Through my art, I want to encourage myself and others to go beyond belief.

Nikolas Ryan

he / him

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